Pastor Eddie W. Davis has the distinction of holding the second longest pastorate tenure in the history of Little Zion Baptist Church having served since 1983. He is also the senior pastor of most churches in the general vicinity. Pastor Davis is a man who truly loves the Lord. He believes that the only thing that limits God's people are the limitations which we place on ourselves. He faithfully leads the congregation in service to the church as well as to the community. Pastor Davis personifies the motto: "No Compromise, No Surrender, No Defeat." His favorite passage of scripture is, Philippians 4:13… I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.
First Lady Monica A. Davis is a woman of God who loves the Lord and acknowledges Him as He directs her life on a daily basis. She is a woman of God who believes in the power of prayer and it's input in the life of the believer. She fully supports her husband's ministry as the work of God and she thanks God for the privilege and opportunity to work by his side in serving the people of God, especially at Little Zion Baptist Church. One of her favorite passages of scripture is Proverbs 3: 5-6 ...Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not to thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path.
Bottom Row: Deacon Kevin McKenzie (Vice Chairman), Deacon Embre Scurry, Deacon Eric M. Shannon, Deacon Curtis Bates, Deacon Charles Cornelius (Chairman)
Top Row: Deacon Daniel Johnson, Deacon J. Renard Green, Deacon Richard Cannon, Deacon J. Michael Daniels, Deacon James McGraw
(Missing: Deacon Larry Francis)
Bottow Row: Deaconess Regina A. Shannon, Deaconess Joann Cornelius, Deaconess Christine McKenzie, Deaconess Audrey Bates, Deaconess Annette Green
Top Row: Deaconess Yvette Cannon, Deaconess Thomasina Francis, Deaconess Angela Daniels, Deaconess Lesa Scurry
(Missing: Deaconess Joyce McGraw, Deaconess Teresa Johnson, Deaconess Inez Seals)
Senior Associate Minister
Outreach Nursing Home Ministry Leader
Youth Ministry Minister
Prevailers, Intercessory Prayer Team Leader
Bread of Life, Homeless Ministry Leader